The if-else statement in C is a flow control statement used for decision-making in the C program. It is one of the core concepts of C programming. It is an extension of the if in C that includes an else block along with the already existing if block.
The if statement in C is used to execute a block of code based on a specified condition.
The syntax of the if statement in C is:
if (condition) < // code to be executed if the condition is true >
The if-else statement is a decision-making statement that is used to decide whether the part of the code will be executed or not based on the specified condition (test expression). If the given condition is true, then the code inside the if block is executed, otherwise the code inside the else block is executed.
if (condition) < // code executed when the condition is true >else < // code executed when the condition is false >
The following program demonstrates how to use if-else in C:
5 is less than 10.
Note: Any non-zero and non-null values are assumed to be true, and zero or null values are assumed to be false.
Working of the if-else statement in C is explained below:
Structure of if-else Syntax in C
We can understand the working of the if-else statement in C with the help of the flowchart.
Flowchart of if-else in C
The following are two basic examples of the if-else statement that shows the use of the if-else statement in a C program.
For a given number to be even, it should be perfectly divisible by 2. We will use the if-else statement to check for this condition and execute different statements for when it is true and when it is false.
Number is even
We know that a person is eligible to vote after he/she is at least 18 years old. Now we use this condition in the if-else statement to check the eligibility of the person.
Person 1 is not eligible to vote. Person 2 is eligible to vote.
You may notice that in the second example, we did not enclose the body of the if and else statement in the braces and still the code is running without error. This is because the C language allows the skipping of the braces around the body of the if-else statement when there is only one statement in the body.
In this article, we discussed how to use the if-else statement in C for making decisions in our program based on the specified conditions. Being the core concept of C programming, it is frequently used in almost all C programs.
We can skip the braces of the body of the if or else block as long as there is only a single statement inside their body. We will get an error if there is more than one statement in the body without braces.
Following is a simple example of the if-else statement in C:
The if block is executed.
The syntax of the if-else statement is:
if (test expression) < // if body >else < // else body >
The conditional statements (also known as decision control structures) such as if, if else, switch, etc. are used for decision-making purposes in C programs. They are also known as Decision-Making Statements and are used to evaluate one or more conditions and make the decision whether to execute a set of statements or not. These decision-making sta
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