Vaal University of Technology VUT Banking Details

Vaal University of Technology VUT Online Applications

Direct Deposits at the Bank/EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer): Deposits can be made at any ABSA branch:


Fees include notes / text books and study guides, but exclude stationery, calculators, dictionaries and exam pads for note-taking and homework.

Even after acceptance entrance may be denied on the basis of the programme being fully subscribed with the maximum number of students allowed. Students are urged to phone Ms Paulina Mokhatla at 016 950 9532 before paying programme fees to ensure that there is space available.

Payment Procedure

Cash payments can be made to the Finance Department at the AW block. Refer to this code when cash payments are made: 2347–5466. Submit proof of payment (receipt) at office E110.

Students that have outstanding fees will not receive academic results. This will influence the registration procedure for the following module.

Deposits can be made via ABSA bank. Please follow procedure:

Account Name: Vaal University of Technology

Bank: ABSA, Vereeniging

Branch Code: 632005

Account Nr: 0530 861 945

Reference Nr: 2347-5466 & Surname

Deposit slips must be faxed to:


Tel: (016) 950-9589 (Belinah Mokoena)

Tel: (016) 950-9723 (Marieda Brits)