Admission and Financial Information

Davidson is committed to its responsibility as a liberal arts college and seeks to enroll students from a variety of racial, economic, social, religious, and geographic backgrounds. Davidson seeks to enroll students who will contribute to the life of the college and who have the promise to make good use of their education after graduation. To enroll such students, every application is reviewed with care. Admission to Davidson is highly selective. Decisions are based on many factors, with evaluation in three general areas: (1) academic achievement as indicated by secondary school curriculum, grades, and standardized test scores if applicant elects to submit for consideration; (2) personal characteristics as evidenced in personal statements and letters of recommendation; and (3) outstanding interests, achievements, and activities, as demonstrated by participation in and contribution to school, community, or religious organizations.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must complete secondary school graduation requirements before enrolling at Davidson. Excluding consideration for exceptional circumstances, at least 16 high school units are required, although the student accepted at Davidson usually has taken 20 units. These units should include the following: 4 units of English, 3 units of mathematics, 2 units of the same second language* (including American Sign Language), 2 units of science, and 2 units of history/social studies. It is strongly recommended that high school students continue for the third and fourth years in science and in the same second language, continue mathematics through calculus, and take additional courses in history.

*In extenuating circumstances precluding fulfillment of this language requirement, the application will be reviewed by the Faculty Admission Committee on a case-by-case basis.

Candidates considering Davidson should take at least five academic subjects each year in secondary school, unless the school curriculum is structured around four. It is important that a challenging academic program be taken each year, but especially in the junior and senior years.

All applicants have the option of being considered with or without the SAT of the College Entrance Examination Board or the ACT of the American College Testing Program when submitting their application. If an applicant elects to be considered with testing, registration for either exam should be completed at least five weeks before the date on which the test is scheduled. If an applicant elects not to submit testing they will not be required to submit this information for admission consideration to Davidson.

Conditions of Admission

Should there be any substantive changes in the data shared in the application for admission over the next several months (e.g., address, phone number, high school, course work, conduct record, etc.), the student must notify the Office of Admission as soon as possible.

A final transcript will be required from the student’s high school in June reflecting successful completion of the academic program and high school graduation. It is fully expected that the remainder of the work and personal conduct will be similar in academic caliber to the work and personal conduct upon which this offer of admission was granted. The College reserves the right to rescind or modify its offer of admission should there be changes in the academic achievement or personal conduct upon which the admission decision was based.

Similar expectations and conditions apply to transfer students.

Students admitted through either early decision program must submit their required deposit by the specified due date on their acceptance letter.

If the student chooses to enroll at Davidson College having been admitted at regular decision, the student must submit the required deposit by May 1.

A nonrefundable deposit will be credited toward the student’s account for billable charges.

By submitting this nonrefundable deposit, the student confirms enrollment at Davidson College. The student also acknowledges that he or she has not submitted or will submit an enrollment deposit at any other institution. If the student is admitted off the wait list by another institution and elects to enroll there, the student must inform the Office of Admission immediately. Davidson College reserves the right to rescind its offer of admission to any student who submits an enrollment deposit to another institution.

How to Apply

Students should notify the Office of Admission and Financial Aid as soon as they become interested in Davidson in order to begin receiving information about the college, admission process and events, and opportunities to engage with admission staff.

There are four ways in which a student may apply for admission to Davidson:

  1. Common Application - Students may apply to Davidson by completing and submitting the Common Application, a $50 application fee, and the Davidson Common Application Writing Supplement. A Common Application to Davidson is not complete without the Supplement. Please note: transfer students should may use the Common Application.
  2. Coalition Application - Students may also use the Coalition Application platform to submit an admission application, along with the $50 application fee. Please note: transfer students may use the Coalition Application.
  3. Online Application - Davidson offers the option to submit the full admission application online directly through the college website, along with the $50 application fee.

Supporting materials for all admission applications, regardless of the format for submission, include: official high school transcripts, students may choose to share SAT or ACT test scores (visit our testing policy page for more information), and recommendations (high school counselor, teacher, and peer recommendations). When all materials are received, the application is considered complete and the student will receive an email notification.

All forms required to complete an application can be found on the Davidson College website.

Application deadline dates may vary from year to year. Updated deadline information may be found under “Important Dates for Applicants” on the Davidson College Admission and Financial Aid website.

The Early Decision Plan is binding and is for applicants who are certain they want to attend Davidson. Early Decision applications will be accepted, denied, or deferred into the Regular Decision Plan pool of applicants. Those candidates who are deferred will be re-evaluated during the Regular Decision selection process. To apply through the Early Decision Plan, the student should:

1. Complete all application requirements by the stated deadlines.

2. Submit the Early Decision Candidate’s Agreement, which states that Davidson is definitely their first choice; and that if accepted, they will enroll and withdraw all applications pending elsewhere.

For those applying under the Regular Decision Plan, letters informing applicants of the decision on their applications will be mailed or posted to their application portal. Applicants who are accepted under the Regular Decision Plan are required to make a non-refundable enrollment deposit by May 1.

Deferred Admission

An admitted first-year student may, with the permission of the Dean of Admission and Financial Aid, defer matriculation for one year without reapplying to Davidson. The student must confirm his or her intent to enroll at Davidson, submit the required $1,000 enrollment deposit, and submit a written request for deferral prior to May 1. The request must detail the student’s plans for the interim year, inclusive of programs, locations and dates. If the deferral request is approved, the student must return a signed deferral contract, coupled with an additional non-refundable deposit in the amount of $1,500, within one week of the notice of approval.

First-year students offered admission from the wait list and all admitted transfer students are not eligible to defer.

Campus Visits

While not required, a campus visit is strongly encouraged. Group and Senior-to-Senior information sessions are conducted by an admission officer or a senior admission fellow. The format of the session may be a group setting or an individual meeting; neither is evaluative. In addition to the information session and campus tour, prospective students are welcome to eat on campus, attend an extra-curricular activity (sports, theatre, lecture, concert), and talk with students or faculty that they may meet during their visit. High school juniors and seniors may observe classes that have been approved by faculty mid-September until mid-November of the Fall Semester, and February-April of the Spring Semester.

The Office of Admission and Financial Aid is open all year and appointments should be made on our website or by calling 1-704-894-2230 or 1-800-768-0380 at least two weeks before the proposed visit. The TDD Relay Service available is 1-800-735-2962. Campus tours and information sessions are scheduled daily and available on Saturdays during peak visitation periods (spring and fall). Detailed visit information is available at

Credit Earned Prior to Entering Davidson

First-year students may transfer a maximum of four credits from courses taken prior to entering Davidson. The maximum includes credits from AP, IB, joint enrollment, and summer school courses taken between high school graduation and college entrance. Students qualifying for more than four such credits, may choose which credits are to be applied. Selections may be made or changed by official notification to the Registrar’s Office. No more than two of the pre-college credits may be applied toward distribution requirements.

Advanced Placement

Students who have completed college-level work in secondary school and wish to apply for placement or credit at Davidson should take the appropriate examination offered by the Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board. Interested students whose schools do not administer the examinations should arrange to take them at another school. For further information, visit the Advanced Placement Program (AP) website at See the Registrar’s web page on the Davidson College site and consult the “pre-college credit” section of the Registrar’s web page for details.

International Baccalaureate Degree Credit

Davidson recognizes the International Baccalaureate Program Examinations for admission purposes and placement. Placement decisions are made by the Registrar in consultation with the appropriate department chair.

Davidson will normally offer one course credit to entering students for each Examination of the International Baccalaureate Degree passed with a grade of 6 or 7, up to a maximum of four courses. See the Registrar’s Office webpage on the Davidson College website for specific examinations, scores, and course equivalents.

Dual Enrollment

Students may receive credit for a maximum of four courses taken in dual enrollment programs, if the courses are equivalent courses and meet all transfer requirements and if they are not used for admission to Davidson. Transfer evaluation of college courses taken prior to graduation from high school requires:

  1. An official transcript from the college or university attended
  2. An official letter from the high school principal or guidance counselor confirming that the courses were not used to satisfy high school graduation requirements.

Each dual enrollment program is evaluated on an individual basis after matriculation. The responsibility for having the above documentation sent to the Registrar’s Office lies with the student. (Note: the second item is particularly important.)

Transferring to Davidson

Students interested in transferring to Davidson should complete the requirements for admission listed above and submit official college transcripts from all institutions attended and a college report signed by the Dean of Students office at their most recent institution.

Davidson accepts transfer credit from other colleges and universities approved by a regional accrediting agency, provided each transferred course is consistent with the academic objectives of the college and the grade earned in the transferred course is comparable to a Davidson grade of “C-” or better. Credit for one full academic year at another college or university is normally transferred to Davidson as eight courses. The Registrar determines the amount of credit that may be transferred to Davidson.

Davidson will accept a maximum of 16 transfer courses toward graduation. The maximum number of transfer courses accepted for the major is determined by the major department.

International Student Admission

An increasing number of students from abroad recognize the value of a liberal arts education as a means of obtaining first-rate preparation for professional careers or graduate study. Davidson welcomes the presence of such talented international students as a vital part of the campus community. The college’s goal is to help pave the way for that highly select group of individuals who will achieve prominence in a variety of fields - medicine, business, law, technology, the arts, and education.

Prior to enrollment at Davidson, an international applicant should have completed a program of study at the secondary school level expected of a student preparing for university entrance in his or her own country. Non-native English speakers must provide evidence of fluency in English through recommendations, writing samples, and successful performance on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), also available through the College Board. The College Board number for Davidson College is 5150. Results for the SAT and the TOEFL must be sent directly to Davidson by the testing agency.

Davidson welcomes applications from international students wishing to pursue a four-year undergraduate degree. The college, however, is able to offer only limited financial assistance to students who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. If a student’s personal financial situation is such that more than nominal assistance is required, he or she must be aware that competition for available funds is keen; it is advised that the student file additional applications to other colleges. International students applying for aid must submit the Foreign Financial Aid Form provided with the admission application material.

Student Financial Assistance and Scholarships

Early decision or regular decision admission to Davidson is offered without regard to financial circumstances except in the case of international students. In 2019-20, Davidson students received over $49 million in financial assistance from college sources. These funds are combined with grants and employment funds from federal, state, and other outside sources to form aid “packages” for Davidson students. Through the Davidson Trust, students’ calculated financial need is funded entirely with grants and student employment, provided all financial aid application deadlines have been met. While most financial aid is designated for students with calculated financial need, Davidson sets aside significant funds for merit-based scholarships. Students receiving need-based packages are eligible for merit-based aid.

Prospective students who wish to be considered for need-based financial aid must complete the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and submit completed tax documents to the College Board IDOC service. FAFSA and PROFILE forms must be completed online.

Financial Aid Policy

Davidson maintains a strong financial aid program to assist students whose families may not be able to finance the entire cost of a Davidson education. Determination of a student’s financial need begins with the assumption that the parents and student have the primary responsibility to meet education costs to the extent they are able. Once need is established, Davidson makes every effort to help families meet college expenses through a combination of federal and state programs and Davidson’s own financial aid funds.

Merit scholarships are offered to a small number of entering students. These awards are made without regard to financial need and are intended to recognize outstanding accomplishments and exceptional potential for future contributions to society.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards

In order to receive any grant, loan, or work assistance, a student must maintain satisfactory academic progress in the course of study he/she is pursuing at Davidson. Students who fail to maintain satisfactory academic progress do not receive the following types of financial aid: Federal Pell Grant; Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant; Federal Work-Study; Federal Direct Stafford Loan; Federal Direct PLUS Loan; North Carolina Need-Based Scholarship; and Davidson College scholarships, grants or employment.

Satisfactory academic progress is reviewed annually prior to the beginning of each academic year. The definition of satisfactory academic progress for financial aid purposes parallels the definition of “good standing” as defined by the faculty. A continuing student must meet the following standards of academic progress for financial aid. A 1.60 cumulative grade point average and seven courses completed after the first two semesters; a 1.80 cumulative grade point average and fifteen courses completed after four semesters; and a 2.00 cumulative grade point average and twenty-four courses completed after six semesters. First-year students, all of whom are required to meet rigorous admission criteria, are presumed to be in good standing throughout their first year provided they carry at least a half-time course load. Satisfactory progress for these students is assessed at the end of their first year as indicated above.

Need-based institutional grant support is available for a maximum of eight semesters (pro-rated for transfer students). A student may not receive Federal Title IV assistance for more than twelve semesters.

In cases where a student continues at Davidson when academic standards have not been met, financial aid may be offered on a probationary basis for one semester if mitigating circumstances so warrant. If standards of progress are not met at the end of that semester, financial aid eligibility is lost until the student regains good standing.

Written notice is given to all students whose financial aid eligibility is rescinded for lack of academic progress. Students may appeal such decisions by writing the Director of Financial Aid. Appeals should include an explanation of why satisfactory progress was not maintained; any additional reasons why financial aid should not be withheld; and supporting documentation (such as from the Dean of Students and/or the College Registrar).

After financial aid has been withdrawn for failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress, students may re-establish eligibility by improving their grade point average and grade point totals or course deficits at their own expense. Approved classes may be taken during summer sessions as well as the academic year. Students wishing to regain financial aid eligibility may also require re-admission to the college by the Executive Committee of the Faculty and must make proper application to the Financial Aid Office for reinstatement of their financial aid eligibility.


A limited number of first-year students are awarded scholarships. Selection criteria are generally based on scholastic promise, ability, character, leadership, and promise of contribution to society, as evaluated in the application for admission by the Admission Staff and the Faculty Committee on Admission and Financial Aid. In the case of area or talent-specific scholarships, selection may also be based on the outcome of an audition, interview, portfolio review, or writing sample. Scholarship specific application deadlines apply. Please refer to

General Scholarship Awards

Every admitted student is considered for General Merit-Scholarships. Selection is made by the Dean of Admission and Financial Aid, the Director of Merit Programs and the admission staff on the basis of the strength of the candidate’s application for admission. Scholarships can be renewed throughout the recipients’ upper-class years, provided grade point average and progress toward degree requirements are met. No separate scholarship application is required for these awards.

Nomination Scholarships

Nomination Scholarships, the most competitive awards the college offers, recognize and reward students who rank among the strongest in the nation. Candidates must be nominated for consideration. Heads of school or college counselors may nominate one or two candidate(s) per school or program for the Belk Scholarship and up to three candidates for the Bryan Scholarship or the Charles Scholarship. Candidates can also be nominated by the admission and financial aid staff on the basis of students’ application for admission. No separate scholarship application is required for these awards.

John M. Belk Scholarships: Up to eight scholarships valued at comprehensive fees, plus two special study stipends of $3,000 each, are offered in each first-year class. Established by John M. Belk, a member of the Class of 1943, whose career was marked by extraordinary leadership and service in business, civic affairs, and the church. These awards are for students whose accomplishments and leadership in academics, the community, and service distinguish them as capable of the highest achievement.

Lowell L. Bryan Scholarships: Two $35,000 scholarships are offered to first-year students (one female and one male) who have the capacity and ability to contribute in a superlative manner to their sport and to the academic and co-curricular life at Davidson. The scholarships were established by Lowell L. Bryan, Class of 1968.

Charles Scholarships: Up to three scholarships are offered in each first-year class to high-achieving students from the Chicago Public School System. The Scholarship is valued at comprehensive fees, plus allowances for books, travel and personal expenses, and to support special academic opportunities.

Competition Scholarships

Every admitted student is considered for Competition Scholarships. Nominees are selected by the Dean of Admission and Financial Aid, the Director of Merit Programs and the admission staff. Finalists will be required to participate in a scholarship interview. The scholarships are renewable, providing the recipients meet grade point average requirements, make standard progress toward their degrees, and are significantly involved in the life of the college community. No separate scholarship application is required for these awards.

Missy and John Kuykendall Scholarships: Two $25,000 awards are offered in each first-year class. Established by the college family in honor of Davidson’s fifteenth president, John Kuykendall and his wife Missy, the Kuykendall Scholarships are for students who, through their habits of mind, leadership, and character, offer the potential to provide the college community the kind of servant leadership that characterized the thirteen-year presidency (1984-1997) of John Kuykendall, Davidson Class of 1959. Scholars are chosen for their personal character, academic accomplishments, generosity, thoughtful leadership, humane interests, and sense of kindness.

Amos Norris Scholarship: This award was created by Robert Norris, Davidson Class of 1972, in honor of his father, Amos Norris. The award is offered to an outstanding first-year student athlete with integrity, a strong work ethic, and excellent leadership qualities. Nominees are identified by the Dean of Admission and Financial Aid and the Director of Athletics. (Not awarded every year.)

William Holt Terry Scholarships: These two awards, valued at full tuition and fees annually, were created to honor the late Dean Terry (Davidson Class of 1954 and Dean of Students for 23 years). They are offered annually to first-year students who have demonstrated exemplary leadership skills and personal qualities through student government, athletics, service, or other activities.

Application Scholarships

These scholarships are defined with specific reference to particular areas of study or talent and require a separate application for consideration. Detailed information can be found at www.davidson/merit.

Application scholarships can be renewed throughout the recipients’ upper-class years at the college, provided grade point average and progress toward degree requirements are met. Any additional renewal requirements are listed in the scholarships’ descriptions.

Rupert T. Barber Scholarship: One $5,000 award will go to a first-year student who demonstrates exceptional talent and passion for theatre upon entering Davidson. The award is renewable for four years of study at Davidson, based on grade point requirements and active involvement in the theatre program throughout all four years of attendance. (Not awarded every year.)

Bremer German Scholarship: This $5,000 scholarship is offered to a first-year student who expresses interest in German as a major field of study and who has shown significant experience and success in the field. (Not awarded every year.)

Patricia Cornwell Creative Writing Scholarship: This $30,000 award is offered to one first year student in the entering class. Established by Patricia Cornwell, award-winning novelist and member of the Class of 1979, the Cornwell Scholarship recognizes students with exceptional ability and promise in writing. Cornwell Scholars may be creative writers of poetry or fiction, drama or film; writers who combine creativity with a knowledge of science or technology; journalists; or other writers who demonstrate extraordinary talent. Cornwell Scholars are expected to be actively involved in the writing community.

Music Performance Scholarships: The Music Department awards up to three $15,000 tuition scholarships provided through the Donald B. Plott and J. Estes Millner Endowments. The scholarships are awarded on the basis of auditions held on Celebration and Recognition Weekend each year. The awardees also receive secondary scholarships for private music study provided by the James C. Harper Endowment. The scholarships are renewable subject to annual evaluation. Application details can be found at

Pepper Visual Arts Scholarship: One $30,000 award is offered to a first-year student in the entering class. Selection is based upon the Art Department’s review of the applicant’s portfolio. The scholarship is renewable on the basis of satisfactory academic progress, active involvement in studio art and enrollment in a required number of classes in the art department.

National Merit Scholarships

Davidson offers 10 or more awards annually to first-year students selected from those who have been identified as National Merit finalists and who have designated Davidson as their first choice college.

International Scholarships

A limited number of students who are nationals of countries other than the United States receive financial assistance each year. These funds vary in amount and are based on a combination of need and merit. The CSS Profile should be submitted to the Office of Admission and Financial Aid along with Davidson’s application for admission.

Children of Presbyterian Ministers

Davidson College, in recognition of its long and significant relationship with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), ensures that all Davidson students who are children of ordained Presbyterian (U.S.A.) ministers will receive at least $1,000 in renewable, annual grants from Davidson. Students not receiving this amount through other merit scholarships or need-based grants are funded through the John Richards Hay and Sara Craig Hay Scholarship Program.

The Julian and Robert Lake Scholarship is a $15,000 merit-based scholarship awarded to a member of each first-year class who is the child of a practicing minister in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Selection is made by the Dean of Admission and Financial Aid and the Director of Merit Programs based upon the student’s application for admission.

Outside Resources

In addition to awards controlled by the college, students at Davidson receive funds from a variety of external sources, including the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and many others. Information about locating and applying for such assistance may be obtained from high school counselors or the Office of Admission and Financial Aid.

Outside Scholarship Policy:
Students must report all outside scholarships or resources received from organizations or agencies to the Office of Financial Aid. The combination of federal, state, Davidson financial aid and outside scholarships and resources may not exceed the Cost of Attendance. Outside scholarship funds and resources will first reduce or replace Student Employment eligibility ($2,100), and the remainder of the scholarship will then reduce the Expected Family Contribution by up to a maximum of $2,900, annually. Any scholarship or resource in excess of $5,000 will result in the reduction of Davidson College awarded financial aid. This treatment will be applied each year the scholarship or resources is renewed up to a maximum of four years or eight semesters. Students are responsible for completing the Outside Scholarship form and returning it to the Office of Financial Aid by June 1 st . Please use the official name of the scholarship or awarding organization.

Army ROTC Scholarships: Awarded on merit, not need, to both men and women. Army scholarships pay full tuition and mandatory fees, a book stipend each semester, and a tax-free personal expense allowance of $300 to $500 a month during the school year, depending on the cadet’s class status.

Four-year scholarships are awarded annually to high school seniors through an application process found at Applications must be completed by January 10th of the senior year. Two-, three-, and four-year scholarships are available to enrolled Davidson students. Interested students may obtain an application and further information by contacting the Davidson College Department of Military Studies (Army ROTC).

Federal and State Grant Programs

Federal Pell Grants: Pell Grants provided by the federal government are a form of gift aid based on a federal need-analysis formula. They range in value up to $5,920. Information is available in high school guidance offices, college financial aid offices, and from the U.S. Department of Education.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants: These federal grants of up to $4,000 per year are available to students who demonstrate high financial need according to Davidson’s analysis of the FAFSA and the PROFILE.

North Carolina Need Based Scholarships: Grants made by the State of North Carolina to residents who demonstrate specific levels of financial need according to the State’s analysis of the FAFSA. Grant amounts and eligibility criteria are established annually.

Other State Programs: Students who do not live in North Carolina should ask their guidance counselors about possible funding from their own states.

Student Loans

Federal Direct Stafford Loans: Through this federal program, the United States government makes loans of up to $5,500 for the first year of an undergraduate program, $6,500 for the second year, and $7,500 per year for the third and fourth years of undergraduate study. Additional information is available from Davidson’s Office of Admission and Financial Aid.

Federal Direct PLUS Loans: Through this federal loan program, parents may borrow up to the cost of attendance minus other aid. The variable interest rate is adjusted annually. Monthly repayment begins within 60 days of disbursement. Applications and more information are available in Davidson’s Office of Admission and Financial Aid.

Other Loan Programs: Students may wish to pursue loans through alternative loan sources. Information about these loan programs is available from the Office of Admission and Financial Aid.


Davidson students will have on-campus jobs awarded as part of the need-based financial aid package. Assignment to a specific job is currently made through the online website, Handshake. Entering students usually are able to work ten to twelve hours a week without handicap to their academic work. Funding is available through the Federal Work-Study Program and from Davidson College. A portion of federal work-study funds is earmarked for students employed in community service activities. Campus work opportunities for students who may not have financial aid eligibility are available in several departments. Off-campus employment opportunities may be explored through various college publications.

Student employees are paid every two weeks by direct deposit..

Tuition and Fees

During the summer preceding the academic year, each student receives a complete bill for tuition and fees. Scholarship and grant awards from Davidson and federal and state sources are noted on college bills. Outside awards and campus jobs are not shown as credits. The ebill will list the following accepted forms of payment: check by mail, debit/credit card (2.75% processing fee applicable) or echeck (no fee).

The fees for the 2022 - 2023 academic year are as follows:

Required Student Charges (tuition and student activity fee)

Meals (full board)

Fees are payable in two installments (July 25 and December 1). An orientation fee for new students ($200 for first-year students and transfers) is included in the fall semester billing. Other fees may also be required. See “Additional fees.”

A student who is unable to pay fees in full by the installment due date must contact the Business Services Office prior to that date. No student will be allowed to return for any semester if his/her account is not paid in full or if arrangements to use the college approved payment plan have not been made prior to the due date. There is a $25 penalty charge for late payment. Interest charges at 18 percent per annum are also assessed on late payments.

In order to graduate and receive a diploma, all financial obligations to Davidson must be paid in full. Furthermore, no official transcripts will be released until a student has met all financial obligations to the college.

Students who enter at the beginning of the spring semester will be billed one-half of the required student charges, room, and meal fees listed above.

After the tenth day of classes, no refunds on tuition or room rent will be made. Fees paid in advance for subsequent semesters for which a student does not register will be refunded in full, subject to the notification deadlines specified in the “Academic and Personal Leave” policy that follows. Fees for meals are refunded on a pro rata basis determined by the week of withdrawal. The college offers tuition-refund insurance through AWG Dewar, Inc. A charge of $364 for the tuition-refund insurance will be included on the fall tuition invoice. Students wishing to decline coverage may complete an online waiver. Detailed information may be obtained by calling 617-774-1555 or online at:

The usual fees include:

1. Room: Rent is $7,700.00 for double occupancy. Triples are $5,420.00. Singles and suites cost $9,284.00. Martin Court Apartments and Houses are $9,626.00. All students are required to live on campus for their entire college career unless officially excused by the Director of Residence Life.

2. Meals: First year students are required to participate in a full meal plan for the entire year. Bills will reflect the ALL Meal Plan. All returning and transfer students must enroll in a college meal plan each semester. The minimum college meal plan is the 2 Plus Meal Plan, but students may elect a higher meal plan. The college does not provide meals during semester or holiday recess periods. Meal plans may be changed without penalty during the first week of classes. After that time, a student incurs a 15% charge when changing to a lower meal plan or canceling a meal plan altogether.

3. Medical Care: Outpatient services provided at the Student Health Center are free-of-charge with the exception of certain laboratory tests, medical supplies and certain medications/vaccines. The college contracts with a nearby medical group for provision of part-time medical services at the Student Health Center. Male and female physicians rotate scheduled appointments during “sick call” on weekday afternoons. They also provide after-hours emergency consultation to our nurses. The college’s professional staff of registered nurses (RNs) are on duty at the Student Health Center on weekdays from 7:30 a.m. until 9:30 p.m. Overnights and weekends, an on-call nurse is accessible to students by pager (704-337-7047) to assess the need for immediate face-to-face evaluation, regular sick call assessment, or referral to a local hospital emergency room. Students are financially responsible for any additional medical services, performed at other medical facilities (e.g., consultations, X-Rays, etc.).

An in-patient bed is available at the Student Health Center for the care of a student who needs isolation and observation or for a student who is recovering from surgery. For this, there is a comprehensive charge of $25 per day, which is billed directly to the student’s college tuition account.

4. Mail: Students are provided a mail box at the Davidson College Post Office.

5. Academic Support: Fees contribute to services provided by the Library, Center for Teaching and Learning, Center for Civic Engagement, Multicultural Life, Information Technology, Disability Support, and Center for Career Development.

Additional fees include:

1. Applied music fee: The hour-per-week applied instruction for majors in the Department of Music is covered in the usual fee, but there are separate charges for additional instruction or for private lessons for those who are not music majors. Fees per semester for individual instruction in voice, piano, organ, guitar, or orchestral instruments are: $845 for one one-hour lesson per week and $455 for one half-hour lesson per week.* The use of practice facilities is $20 (includes Fall and Spring semesters).

*Note: lesson fees will not be refunded to students who drop after the second week of the semester.

2. Student accident and sickness insurance: All students attending Davidson are automatically enrolled in the insurance plan. The $2,295.00 fee is charged to each student’s account. Students covered by comparable insurance may be exempted from the student insurance program by submitting an online waiver request form on or before July 25th.

3. Enrollment deposit: All students are required to make a $1000 deposit prior to enrollment. $500 is applied to the student’s first tuition invoice and $500 is held in escrow during the student’s enrollment, and is refunded, less any outstanding fees and fines, following graduation. A student must maintain the $500 enrollment deposit in order to be granted on-leave status.

4. Study abroad:
Davidson programs: Students enrolled in Davidson-administered semester programs will pay Davidson tuition and academic fees AND will pay on-campus rates for housing and meals. Davidson will bill students’ accounts, and students will make payments in the same manner as though they were going to be on campus. A nonrefundable commitment deposit is due after acceptance (typically in early March for fall semester programs) and will be deducted from the total amount due on July 25. Davidson program fees cover most expenses for the semester abroad, but students should review Budgeting for Study Abroad to determine if they should anticipate any additional costs, such as passport renewal fees, immunizations, personal travel/activities, ongoing and/or unexpected upfront medical expenses.

Partner Programs: Students enrolled in partner programs will receive two invoices: One from Davidson for regular tuition and one from the partner program for housing, meals and other non-academic fees. Payment deadlines for these programs vary, so students should be sure to make note of these upon acceptance. Many programs require a nonrefundable commitment deposit after acceptance, and students are responsible for paying this directly to the partner program to secure their spot on the program.

5. Transcripts: There is no fee for transcripts.

6. Vehicle registration: A fee of $50.00 will be charged to register each vehicle kept on campus.

7. Miscellaneous fees: Students pay fees for late registration, late drop/add, library fines, damaged property, parking fines, lost post office keys, etc., when incurred. A penalty of $20 will be charged on all returned checks.

Academic and Personal Leave

A student who wishes to take academic or personal leave from Davidson may do so upon approval from the Registrar and Dean of Students. Guidelines are available from the Registrar. After March 15, a penalty of $250 is charged if a student receives approval for academic or personal leave beginning the following fall semester. A $500 penalty applies after June 15. In like manner, a penalty of $250 is charged if a student notifies the Registrar after November 1 that he or she does not intend to enroll for the spring semester, and a $500 penalty applies after January 1.

A student must pay his or her account in full and maintain the $500 enrollment deposit in order to be granted on-leave status.


A student is charged $250 if the student notifies the Dean of Students after March 15 that he or she plans to withdraw from the college. After June 15, the charge is $500. If, during the fall semester, a student notifies the Dean of Students after November 1 of his or her intention to withdraw from the college there is a $250 charge. After January 1, the charge is $500. In order to receive a refund of the $500 enrollment deposit, a student’s account balance must be paid in full.

Refund Policy

Davidson’s policy is to refund 100 percent of tuition or room rent if a student withdraws before the tenth day of classes. Otherwise, no refund of tuition or room rent is made. Fees for meals are refunded on a pro rata basis as determined by the date of withdrawal.

The college offers tuition-refund insurance through AWG Dewar, Inc. Detailed information may be obtained by calling 617-774-1555. A charge for the tuition-refund insurance will be included on the fall tuition invoice. Students wishing to decline coverage may complete an online waiver.

Return of Title IV Funds

In accordance with federal law, if a student who is a recipient of Federal Title IV grant and/or loan funds (Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Federal Direct Stafford Loan, Federal Direct PLUS Loan) withdraws during a payment period, Davidson must determine the amount of Federal Title IV funds the student has earned. That amount is determined by a formula established by federal law.

If a student has received less Title IV funds than the student has earned at the time of withdrawal, the student may receive the additional earned funds. If the student has received more Title IV funds at the time of withdrawal than he or she earned, the excess funds must be returned.

The withdrawal date of the student shall be determined in one of two ways: If the student utilizes the official withdrawal process outlined in the Online Leave Form, the student’s withdrawal date shall be established by the Office of the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students. If the student does not utilize the official withdrawal process, the Office of Admission and Financial Aid shall establish the student’s last date of course-related activity by contacting the student’s faculty members to determine said date.

If the student withdraws before completing 60 percent of the payment period, the amount of assistance that has been earned shall be determined on a pro rata basis. For example, if a student completes 30 percent of the payment period, the student is considered to have earned 30 percent of the assistance he or she was scheduled to receive. Once a student has completed more than 60 percent of the payment period, he or she is considered to have earned all their assistance for that period.

If it is determined a student has received excess funds, the portion of those funds equal to the lesser of (1) the institutional charges multiplied by the unearned percentage of the student’s funds or (2) the entire amount of the excess funds, must be returned in a designated order (see below). Davidson College shall return excess Title IV funds to the U.S. Department of Education; the student shall then owe a receivable to Davidson equal to the amount of excess funds returned on his/her behalf, and shall be ineligible to receive further funding at Davidson until such receivable is resolved in full.

Unearned Federal Title IV funds returned by the institution shall be returned in the following order: Unsubsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loans; Subsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loans; Federal Direct PLUS Loans received on the student’s behalf; Federal Pell Grants; Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants; other grant or loan assistance authorized under Title IV.

Detailed rules and the specific laws and regulations related to these calculations are available from the Office of Admission and Financial Aid.

Credit Balances

A student generally may receive a distribution of a credit balance from his/her account only once during each semester. Following the conclusion of the late drop/add period, a student may request a refund in the Business Services Office. Normally, refunds are issued within two weeks of the request date. However, no funds will be issued until the student has an actual credit balance on his/her account. Refunds for Federal Title IV recipients are made in accordance with the refund policy specified by the U.S. Department of Education.

General Student Account Information

Books: Textbooks, merchandise, and school supplies are available at the Davidson College Store or online at Purchases may be made using a verified Student Financial Aid or scholarship balance, cash, personal or traveler’s checks, credit/debit card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover Card or American Express (including iPay, etc.)) or through the CatCard Services Office declining balance charge system. Textbooks may me rented or purchased. The cost varies with the course of study and is approximately $500-$800 per year. Digital options are available through the Store website. The store buys back books at the beginning and end of each term. Store hours are 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday unless otherwise noted.

CatCard: The ‘CatCard’ is an all-purpose identification card that can be used throughout campus. An implanted chip on the CatCard provides access to the residence halls, the Library, Baker Sports Complex (recreation and spectator uses), and most academic buildings. The CatCard also holds meal plan information and declining balance funds. Students and parents may deposit money in person at the CatCard Services Office, or here (Choose Manage Your Account) into a declining balance account that allows students to make purchases at all on-campus dining and retail locations including snack and beverage vending machines. It may be used at the College Union for purchases ranging from movie tickets to the 900 Room. The CatCard is also accepted at some off campus locations. Lost CatCards are replaced for a fee of $25.00; damaged CatCards are replaced at no cost as long as the damaged CatCard is turned in at the time the request is made. The CatCard Services Office is located on the second floor of the Knobloch Campus Center and open during regular business hours Monday-Friday.

A $10.00 administrative fee is taken from the first deposit into a student’s declining balance account each academic year. Because federal and state banking regulations govern card transactions, students or parents may withdraw funds from the declining balance account for only two reasons:

  1. Graduation or withdrawal of student from Davidson.
  2. Year-end refunds (requested during the last 15 days of the academic year).

Deferred Payments: Davidson collects fees in two installments, but it recognizes the need, or preference, of many parents to pay on a monthly basis. Nelnet is the college’s approved payment plan administrator. Information will be provided on each semester’s invoice.

Fire or theft: The college assumes no responsibility for damages or loss of personal property due to fire, theft or other casualties. The student’s personal or family property and casualty insurance will normally provide limited coverage for such a loss.

Insurance: All currently enrolled students are required to purchase student health insurance through the college’s plan administered by Academic Health Plans or complete an online waiver verifying adequate coverage by July 25.