Chapter 1: Introduction to Computer Vision and Image Processing

Chapter 1: Introduction to Computer Vision and Image Processing. Overview: Computer Imaging . Definition of computer imaging: Acquisition and processing of visual information by computer. Why is it important? Human primary sense is visual sense.

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Computer Vision and Image Processing

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  1. Chapter 1: Introduction to Computer Vision and Image Processing
  2. Overview: Computer Imaging • Definition of computer imaging: • Acquisition and processing of visual information by computer. • Why is it important? • Human primary sense is visual sense. • Information can be conveyed well through images (one picture worth a thousand words). • Computer is required because the amount of data to be processed is huge.
  3. Overview: Computer Imaging • Computer imaging can be divided into two main categories: • Computer Vision: applications of the output are for use by a computer. • Image Processing: applications of the output are for use by human. • These two categories are not totally separate and distinct.
  4. Computer Vision COMPUTER IMAGING Image Processing Overview: Computer Imaging • They overlap each other in certain areas.
  5. Computer Vision • Does not involve human in the visual loop. • One of the major topic within this field is image analysis (Chapter 2). • Image analysis involves the examination of image data to facilitate in solving a vision problem.
  6. Computer Vision • Image analysis process involves two other topics: • Feature extraction: acquiring higher level image info (shape and color) • Pattern classification: using higher level image information to identify objects within image.
  7. Computer Vision • Most computer vision applications involve tasks that: • Are tedious for people to perform. • Require work in a hostile environment. • Require a high processing rate. • Require access and use of a large database of information.
  8. Computer Vision • Examples of applications of computer vision: • Quality control (inspect circuit board). • Hand-written character recognition. • Biometrics verification (fingerprint, retina, DNA, signature, etc). • Satellite image processing. • Skin tumor diagnosis. • And many, many others.
  9. Image Processing • Processed images are to be used by human. • Therefore, it requires some understanding on how the human visual system operates. • Among the major topics are: • Image restoration (Chapter 3). • Image enhancement (Chapter 4). • Image compression (Chapter 5).
  10. Image Processing • Image restoration: • The process of taking an image with some know, or estimated degradation, and restoring it to its original appearance. • Done by performing the reverse of the degradation process to the image. • Examples: correcting distortion in the optical system of a telescope.
  11. Image Processing An Example of Image Restoration
  12. Image Processing • Image enhancement: • Improve an image visually by taking an advantage of human visual system’s response. • Example: improve contrast, image sharpening, and image smoothing.
  13. Image Processing An Example of Image Enhancement
  14. Image Processing • Image compression: • Remove the amount of data required to represent an image by: • Removing unnecessary data that are visually unnecessary. • Taking advantage of the redundancy that is inherent in most images. • Example: JPEG, MPEG, etc.
  15. Computer Imaging Systems • Computer imaging systems comprises of both hardware and software. • The hardware components can be divided into three subsystems: • The computer • Image acquisition: camera, scanner, video recorder. • Image display: monitor, printer, film, video player.
  16. Computer Imaging Systems • The software is used for the following tasks: • Manipulate the image and perform any desired processing on the image data. • Control the image acquisition and storage process. • The computer system may be a general-purpose computer with a frame grabber or image digitizer board in it.
  17. Computer Imaging Systems • Frame grabber is a special purpose piece of hardware that digitizes standard analog video signal. • Digitization of analog video signal is important because computers can only process digital data.
  18. Computer Imaging Systems • Digitization is done by sampling the analog signal or instantaneously measuring the voltage of the signal at fixed interval in time. • The value of the voltage at each instant is converted into a number and stored. • The number represents the brightness of the image at that point.
  19. Computer Imaging Systems • The “grabbed” image is now a digital image and can be accessed as a two dimensional array of data. • Each data point is called a pixel (picture element). • The following notation is used to express a digital image: • I(r,c) = the brightness of the image at point (r,c) where r = row and c = column.
  20. The CVIPtools Software • CVIPtools software contains C functions to perform all the operations that are discussed in the text book. • It also comes with an application with GUI interface that allows you to perform various operations on an image. • No coding is needed. • Users may vary all the parameters. • Results can be observed in real time.
  21. The CVIPtools Software • It is available from: • The CD-ROM that comes with the book. •
  22. Human Visual Perception • Human perception encompasses both the physiological and psychological aspects. • We will focus more on physiological aspects, which are more easily quantifiable and hence, analyzed.
  23. Human Visual Perception • Why study visual perception? • Image processing algorithms are designed based on how our visual system works. • In image compression, we need to know what information is not perceptually important and can be ignored. • In image enhancement, we need to know what types of operations that are likely to improve an image visually.
  24. The Human Visual System • The human visual system consists of two primary components – the eye and the brain, which are connected by the optic nerve. • Eye – receiving sensor (camera, scanner). • Brain – information processing unit (computer system). • Optic nerve – connection cable (physical wire).
  25. The Human Visual System
  26. The Human Visual System • This is how human visual system works: • Light energy is focused by the lens of the eye into sensors and retina. • The sensors respond to the light by an electrochemical reaction that sends an electrical signal to the brain (through the optic nerve). • The brain uses the signals to create neurological patterns that we perceive as images.
  27. The Human Visual System • The visible light is an electromagnetic wave with wavelength range of about 380 to 825 nanometers. • However, response above 700 nanometers is minimal. • We cannot “see” many parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  28. The Human Visual System
  29. The Human Visual System • The visible spectrum can be divided into three bands: • Blue (400 to 500 nm). • Green (500 to 600 nm). • Red (600 to 700 nm). • The sensors are distributed across retina.
  30. The Human Visual System
  31. The Human Visual System • There are two types of sensors: rods and cones. • Rods: • For night vision. • See only brightness (gray level) and not color. • Distributed across retina. • Medium and low level resolution.
  32. The Human Visual System • Cones: • For daylight vision. • Sensitive to color. • Concentrated in the central region of eye. • High resolution capability (differentiate small changes).
  33. The Human Visual System • Blind spot: • No sensors. • Place for optic nerve. • We do not perceive it as a blind spot because the brain fills in the missing visual information. • Why does an object should be in center field of vision in order to perceive it in fine detail? • This is where the cones are concentrated.
  34. The Human Visual System • Cones have higher resolution than rods because they have individual nerves tied to each sensor. • Rods have multiple sensors tied to each nerve. • Rods react even in low light but see only a single spectral band. They cannot distinguish color.
  35. The Human Visual System
  36. The Human Visual System • There are three types of cones. Each responding to different wavelengths of light energy. • The colors that we perceive are the combined result of the response of the three cones.
  37. The Human Visual System
  38. Spatial Frequency Resolution • To understand the concept of spatial frequency, we must first understand the concept of resolution. • Resolution: the ability to separate two adjacent pixels. • If we can see that two adjacent pixels as being separate, then we can say that we can resolve the two.
  39. Spatial Frequency Resolution • Spatial frequency: how rapidly the signal changes in space.
  40. Spatial Frequency Resolution • If we increase the frequency, the stripes get closer until they finally blend together.
  41. Spatial Frequency Resolution • The distance between eye and image also affects the resolution. • The farther the image, the worse the resolution. • Why is this important? • The number of pixels per square inch on a display device must be large enough for us to see an image as being realistic. Otherwise we will end up seeing blocks of colors. • There is an optimum distance between the viewer and the display device.
  42. Spatial Frequency Resolution • Limitations of visual system in resolution are due to both optical and neural factor. • We cannot resolve things smaller than the individual sensor. • Lens has finite size, which limits the amount of light it can gather. • Lens is slightly yellow (which progresses with age); limits eye’s response to certain wavelength of light.
  43. Spatial Frequency Resolution • Spatial resolution is affected by the average background brightness of the display. • In general, we have higher spatial resolution at brighter levels. • The visual system has less spatial resolution for color information that has been decoupled from the brightness information.
  44. Spatial Frequency Resolution
  45. Brightness Adaptation • The vision system responds to a wide range of brightness levels. • The perceived brightness (subjective brightness) is a logarithmic function of the actual brightness. • However, it is limited by the dark threshold (too dark) and the glare limit (too bright).
  46. Brightness Adaptation • We cannot see across the entire range at any one time. • But our system will adapt to existing light condition. • The pupil varies its size to control the amount of light coming into the eye.
  47. Brightness Adaptation
  48. Brightness Adaptation • It has been experimentally determined that we can detect only about 20 changes in brightness in a small area within a complex image. • However, for an entire image, about 100 gray levels are necessary to create a realistic image. • Due to brightness adaptation of our visual system.
  49. Brightness Adaptation • If fewer gray levels are used, we will observe false contours (bogus line). • This resulted from gradually changing light intensity not being accurately presented.
  50. Brightness Adaptation Image with 8 bits/pixel (256 gray levels – no false contour) Image with 3 bits/pixel (8 gray levels – contain false contour) Load More .

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